
Why use a stocktaker?

Let's start with a story

We recently did a stock change over for a client who was selling their business. Prior to us coming in, they didn’t know stock auditors existed. During the process of doing the stock take, we established they had been losing money on both the bar and on food. Had we come in earlier, we could have identified this, helped them make changes to run a more profitable business, and we may have been able to prevent them from having to sell. 

What a stock auditor does is help you to:

Know what you're selling

The reports we produce are a snap shot of where the business is versus your targets. They will show you, by individual product, volumes sold, margin made and GP% achieved. They include the top 30 selling products and the top 30 profit-making products.

Control costs

We highlight any stock issues which tie up your cashflow, like slow moving items that were originally thought of as a bargain but haven't sold. Then we provide solutions to deal with this.

Move stock

We also look at fast moving seasonal lines to maximise margins and ensure efficient stock control.  Helping you focus on and keep track of popular seasonal lines makes for better revenue.

Improve margins

Applying incorrect GP% to product lines can go unnoticed, but a report will help identify these errors, and make sure you’re aware of price increases which may have crept in on regularly purchased stock.

Manage theft and build trust

There are many ways theft takes place in an On-Trade business. Over the years, we've developed comprehensive solutions to this problem. At the same time, knowing theft isn't taking place because any stock losses are accounted for is a great boost to trust, team loyalty, and your overall atmosphere.

Save time

We do all the stock admin for you. We can even send our reports directly to your accountants - so instead you can spend that admin time doing what you do best: selling to your customers and developing new ideas that will attract, promote and market your venue.

Why use us?

With a huge pool of experience to draw on, there's little in the industry we haven't seen. As you would expect, we use the latest technology and techniques and can recommend the most up to date time and waste saving resources. But it's our experience that - we feel - makes us stand out and allows us to identify trends, offer purchasing advice, improve operational security and bring business efficiency. With that experience also comes time-built-up contacts and resources that we're able to draw on if there's a specific and unusual issue we need to get to the bottom of. 

Perhaps most importantly, we're a people business, focused on looking after our customers on and off site. We're always at the end of a phone if there is a problem or query to be solved or answered. We’re happy to come to where you need us, and we can be there on a weekend if that’s what’s required. We don’t rush the work – a large stock take can take time, and the importance of the job is never governed by time. But we're also realistic and affordable.


To discuss arranging a stocktake or a stock transfer, to talk to us about a quote, or just to get some advice, please send us an email, call us on 0845 604 4652 or fill in this form, and we’ll respond as quickly as we can.

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